100K brighter patient outcomes…
one procedure at a time
Together with healthcare providers we work with, we’ve impacted the lives of 100,000 patients with the ENROUTE® TCAR devices. Our approach to carotid revascularization offers patients (compared to CEA)1:

100K brighter patient outcomes…one procedure at a time
Together with healthcare providers we work with, we’ve impacted the lives of 100,000 patients with the ENROUTE® TCAR devices. Our approach to carotid revascularization offers patients (compared to CEA)1:

100K brighter patient outcomes…one procedure at a time
Together with healthcare providers we work with, we’ve impacted the lives of 100,000 patients with the ENROUTE® TCAR devices. Our approach to carotid revascularization offers patients (compared to CEA)1:

The faces of 100K
We take pride in how the ENROUTE TCAR devices enable physicians to improve patient outcomes while reducing recovery time so patients can get back to living their lives.
14 Jimmy
The faces of 100K
We take pride in how the ENROUTE TCAR devices enable physicians to improve patient outcomes while reducing recovery time so patients can get back to living their lives.
14 Jimmy
The faces of 100K
We take pride in how the ENROUTE TCAR devices enable physicians to improve patient outcomes while reducing recovery time so patients can get back to living their lives.
14 Jimmy
The ENROUTE® Transcarotid Neuroprotection System and the ENROUTE® Transcarotid Stent System have been used in more than 100,000 TCAR procedures to date, a milestone that we are proud to have reached alongside our physician partners.
This is just the beginning, the ENROUTE® TCAR procedure has created 100K brighter tomorrows for patients with carotid artery disease and we are ENROUTE® to so much more!
The ENROUTE® Transcarotid Neuroprotection System and the ENROUTE® Transcarotid Stent System have been used in more than 100,000 TCAR procedures to date, a milestone that we are proud to have reached alongside our physician partners.
This is just the beginning, the ENROUTE® TCAR procedure has created 100K brighter tomorrows for patients with carotid artery disease and we are ENROUTE® to so much more!
The ENROUTE® Transcarotid Neuroprotection System and the ENROUTE® Transcarotid Stent System have been used in more than 100,000 TCAR procedures to date, a milestone that we are proud to have reached alongside our physician partners.
This is just the beginning, the ENROUTE® TCAR procedure has created 100K brighter tomorrows for patients with carotid artery disease and we are ENROUTE® to so much more!

- Malas MB, et al. TransCarotid Revascularization with Dynamic Flow reversal versus Carotid Endarterectomy in the Vascular Quality Initiative Surveillance Project. Ann Surg. 2020 Sep 15. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000004496. Epub ahead of print.
- Data on file at Silk Road Medical. Silk Road Medical. (2023) Patient satisfaction survey: TCAR vs. CEA. Sunnyvale, CA: Silk Road Medical (unpublished manuscript)